Professional Learning and Ethical Practice

The purpose of the Professional Learning and Ethical practice standard is to ensure that teachers remain current in teaching practice through professional learning, demonstrate professionalism in conduct with students, parents/ guardians, and other education professionals.


A teacher demonstrates the 9th InTASC standard is through building positive and professional relationships with parents/guardians through frequent and effective communication concerning students’ progress.  My communication with parents/guardians is evidenced by this letter I sent home to my students’ parent/ guardians.  Students succeed when their parents or guardians are actively involved in their learning, and effective teacher communication facilitates that parent/guardian involvement.  It is difficult for a parent to be involved if they are not informed.


The second way a teacher demonstrates the 9th InTASC standard is through incorporating learning from professional growth opportunities into instructional practice.  As a student teacher I had the ability to attend the Southside Teaching, Learning, and Collaborating Symposium for new teachers in Martinsville Virginia.  At the symposium I learned practical classroom management strategies, received information about data tools for assessment, and began professional collaborative relationships with educators throughout Virginia.  When I have my first classroom I will be able to use the professional network which I established at the Symposium to try the strategies I learned there, reflect on the impact and effectiveness of specific strategies within my classroom, and receive feedback from other educators on my instructional practice.

The third way a teacher demonstrates the 9th InTASC standard is by subscribing to professional memberships in order to remain current in the practices of the teaching profession.  As a member of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) I receive the peer reviewed journal Science and Children in the mail as well as information about conferences through email.  Having access to peer reviewed articles allows me to remain current in my understanding of the teaching profession and gives me resources to enhance lessons for my students.      

For more information please see my Professional Practice Standard paper on Professionalism.