
The 6th InTASC standard, Assessment, requires teachers to track student learning though different kinds of assessments to inform students and teachers of learning progress and needs.

The assessment standard is important because it provides the data needed to direct learning goals and reflect on the effectiveness of past approaches.

Using pretest data a teacher can assess his/her students’ prior knowledge to determine the focus of instruction.  Pretest and post-test data can be analyzed together as in my Record of Pupil Learning to see if instruction leads to growth in student conceptual knowledge of the subject.



The assessment standard is evident in my use of formative assessments throughout my lessons.  Using Smart Pals allowed me to check for understanding, and give immediate feedback.   


I also used graphic organizers for formative assessment which also gave me a picture of what my students were understanding.  I was able to reflect on my teaching and make adjustments based on information I received from formative assessment. 

For more information please see my Unit Assessment reflection.