Application of Content

The fifth InTASC standard is Application of Content.  The purpose of the Application of Content standard is to ensure that teachers are connecting curriculum content to local and global issues while facilitating student engagement with that content in ways which encourage critical thinking, creative problem solving, and collaboration.  This standard is significant because it grounds curriculum content in the real world resulting in more meaningful lessons accessed through practicing skills which will be relevant for each student in her/his future endeavors.

I demonstrate the standard in this video on the Valley and Ridge geographic region of Virginia which I would show students as an example of the creative ways they can communicate content for a project.  In this project students would work in a group to create a video communicating knowledge of a geographic region of Virginia.  Supporting creativity and collaboration in my classroom will make the content more interesting and memorable for my students.


The Application of Content standard is also demonstrated by integrating real world examples as evidenced in this excerpt from the problem/ solution lesson I taught.  Integrating real world examples makes content more relevant to my students and makes learning the content more purposeful.  


The fifth standard is also evident in supporting the use of 21st century skills such as collaboration in the classroom.  Practicing effective communication and collaboration in pairs or small groups will help each of my students to be ready for collaborating effectively with her/his future co-workers.