Sarah Brown’s ePortfolio

Nevertheless, we also know that every student that enters every classroom will be enhanced or diminished by the collective attitudes, decisions, and practices of the teachers. We know that every young life that is redeemed by learning is an individual and a collective victory. Likewise, we know that every young life that is scarred by school is an individual and a collective tragedy.
- Carol Ann Tomlinson and Marcia Imbeau  
I have worked with children since I was a child myself; from babysitting as an eleven year old, to volunteering as a camp counselor, to working as a substitute teacher, then a para educator, then a Registered Behavior Technician.  I have always enjoyed interacting with children and entertaining them, but in the last few years I have discovered a particular passion for facilitating their learning experiences.  Nothing gives me more joy than seeing the pride and sense of accomplishment in the face of a child who has just figured out something new.  That is my main goal as a teacher, to make space for children to learn and discover.  Outside of teaching, I enjoy the outdoors and jump at any excuse I can find to get outside.

Teaching Philosophy